"Uncaught Syntax Error Unexpected end of input" error occurred mainly due to following reasons
const fun = function() {
console.log("some output");
// missing curly brace
const fun2 = function() {
console.log("some output");
; // added semicolon insted of curly brace
const javascripArray = [1, 2 // missing square bracket
const javascripObject = {key: "value" // missing curly brace
const fun = function() {
console.log("some output");
} // added curly brace
const fun2 = function() {
console.log("some output");
} // added curly brace insted of semicolon
const javascripArray = [ 1, 2 ];// added square bracket
const javascripObject = {key: "value"}; // added curly brace
The "Uncaught Syntax Error Unexpected end of input" also occurs if you trying to parse an invalid JSON string. You should return accurate JSON string from your server or you can also use try catch block
check if a string is a valid JSON string
try {
resposne = JSON.parse('{"name":"David","age":54');
catch(err) {
resposne = {};