Git Partial Commits

In this article you will see how commit only part of a file's changes in Git


To commit only part of a file's changes in Git, you can use the command "git add -p" or "git add --patch". This command allows you to interactively choose which changes to stage and commit.

Here are the steps:

  1. Make the changes to the file you want to commit
  2. Run the command "git add -p <file>" or "git add --patch <file>" where file is the name of the file you want to commit.
  3. Git will now prompt you with a series of hunks, which are the individual changes made to the file. You can use the following commands:
    • y to stage the hunk
    • n to skip the hunk
    • q to quit the interactive patch mode
    • a to stage all the hunks
    • d to skip all the remaining hunks
  4. Once you have finished staging the desired changes, run the command "git commit -m <message>" where message is a brief description of the changes you made.

It's important to note that, this will only stage the part of the file you selected, the remaining changes will remain in the working directory, you can either stage them later or discard them. Also, this command applies to one file at a time, if you have multiple files with changes you want to commit, you will have to run this command for each file.


"Partial commits" in Git refer to the ability to select specific files or changes to include in a commit, rather than committing all changes in the working directory. This can be done using the "git add" command with the "-p" option (for "patch") or "--patch" option, which will interactively prompt the user to select which changes to include in the commit. Additionally, it's also possible to use the "git add -i" or "git add --interactive" option which provides an interactive menu to stage specific hunks of changes.


Alternatively, you can also use the command "git add -i" or "git add --interactive" which provides an interactive menu, in which you can select the specific hunks of changes you want to stage, and then commit them.

Please note that this is just an example and you can also use other options like git stash to stash specific changes instead of committing them.




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