Following are the examples to extract variables from a string using you can use it any programming language
If you wish to match only lines beginning with abc, use
Variables that will be extracted are the following
Variables that will be extracted are the following
<cfset matches = REMatch('AP(\d+|(\["\d+\"]))\.\RSV\d+', 'AP2.RSV3-AP1.RSV3=3 OR AP["234"].RSV3+AP3.RSV22=3') />
<cfdump var="#matches#" label="Example REMatch" />
<cfset matches = REMatch('AP(\d+|(\["\d+\"]))\.\RSV\d+', 'AP1.RSV2 - AP2.RSV2 GTE .5 or (AP2.RSV2 GTE 6.6 and AP1.RSV2 GTE AP2.RSV2)') />
<cfdump var="#matches#" label="Example REMatch" />
<cfset matches = REMatch('AP(\d+|(\["\d+\"]))\.\RSV\d+', 'AP1.RSV2 EQ 10 OR AP2.RSV2 EQ 10 OR AP3.RSV2 EQ 10 OR AP4.RSV2 EQ 10') />
<cfdump var="#matches#" label="Example REMatch" />
<cfset matches = REMatch('AP(\d+|(\["\d+\"]))\.\RSV\d+', 'AP1.RSV2 EQ 10 OR AP2.RSV2 EQ 10 OR AP3.RSV2 EQ 10 OR AP4.RSV2 EQ 10 OR AP5.RSV2 EQ 10') />
<cfdump var="#matches#" label="Example REMatch" />
<cfset matches = REMatch('AP(\d+|(\["\d+\"]))\.\RSV\d+', 'AP1.RSV2 EQ 10 OR AP2.RSV2 EQ 10 OR AP3.RSV2 EQ 10 OR AP4.RSV2 EQ 10 OR AP5.RSV2 EQ 10 OR AP6.RSV2 EQ 10') />
<cfdump var="#matches#" label="Example REMatch" />
<cfset matches = REMatch('AP(\d+|(\["\d+\"]))\.\RSV\d+', 'AP1.RSV2 EQ 10 OR AP2.RSV2 EQ 10 OR AP3.RSV2 EQ 10 OR AP4.RSV2 EQ 10 OR AP5.RSV2 EQ 10 OR AP6.RSV2 EQ 10 OR AP7.RSV2 EQ 10') />
<cfdump var="#matches#" label="Example REMatch" />
<cfset matches = REMatch('AP(\d+|(\["\d+\"]))\.\RSV\d+', 'AP["234"].RSV3AP["2344554"].RSV3AP2.RSV3-AP1.RSV3=3 OR AP["234"].RSV3+AP3.RSV234"].RSV32=3') />
<cfdump var="#matches#" label="Example REMatch" />